Author: Quentara Costa

touring assisted living
Elder Care Planning

The Best Questions to Ask During an Assisted Living Tour

One of the most FAQs I receive from families is what questions to ask during an assisted living tour. If you google it, you’ll find some pretty exhaustive lists. I’ve distilled down the best topics and insight to focus on as you consider an assisted living community.

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Top 5 Changes to the FAFSA form

The FAFSA Simplication Act will have families seeing changes to their application process and aid package this year. Many will do well by the calculation adjustments. And at the very least, they should find the application process much easier. Others may walk away with less than expected.

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Life Insurance For Children: Pros & Cons

Life insurance can provide a valuable safety net for loved ones who depend on you financially. But children usually don’t have jobs, so no one depends on their income. Forbes look at the possible reasons for buying life insurance for children.

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An example of a retirement community nursing home vs assisted living
Elder Care Planning

CCRC vs Nursing Home vs Assisted Living: Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right type of care community for a loved one depends on their specific needs, health conditions, and preferences. Here is my overview of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs), Assisted Living, and Nursing Homes to help you make an informed decision.

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Elder Care Planning

Gift Ideas for Seniors in 2023

Is it right to be giving more “stuff” to someone who is planning to or has already downsized? Maybe a different approach should be considered when gifting to seniors.

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General Planning

New Year’s Resolutions for The Sandwich Generation

In reflecting on my New Year’s Resolution, there were repeated themes this year that I hope to incorporate into my life to maximize my Sandwich Generation efforts vs feeling encumbered with an unattainable goal. I’m sharing my conclusions with the hope that you start 2024 with an energized mindset.

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General Planning

Guide to flood insurance: Here’s what to know

Last year the Northeast experienced a drought. This year my town had multiple floods wreaking havoc on both residents and businesses. While most people are trying to offload their bank required flood insurance to save on cost, you may be wanting to sign up ASAP in light of recent events. But is the premium worth it? More importantly, are you eligible to get it based on your zoning? Read more from

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The Value of Diversification

There is no need to hunker down in just the SP500 or gold to see returns, diversification is preached for a reason. This chart shows annual returns for eight broad-based asset classes. Notice how the “leadership” changes from year to year, and how competitively the diversified portfolio performed over 20 years (see the “annualized return” column).

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General Planning

Financing options in a high-interest rate environment

One of the most frequently asked questions I’m receiving these days is related to paying off debt and financing options. Gone are the days of a 2.5 – 3.5% mortgage. Whether it be for a home purchase, improvement, car, or business venture, here are some options to consider if you’re looking for financing.

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Elder Care Planning

How to write a great obituary

Writing an obituary can be a challenging task, as it requires capturing the essence of a person’s life and honoring their memory. Here are some guidelines to help you write a great obituary for your loved one.

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Just Married: Newlywed Estate Planning Cheat Sheet

I’ve had a slew of clients adding “wedding” to their list of goals. Is their 20-something child even engaged yet – not necessarily, they just want to be prepared when the special day comes. But a part from funding the day, there is plenty else to consider as two become one.

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General Planning

The Ultimate Downsizing Checklist Before Retiring

While the process of downsizing can be emotionally and physically challenging, it can also be liberating and rewarding. To help you navigate this transition, we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist for downsizing your home.

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Where to Best Save for College

The attraction of 529 college savings programs is that they provide for investment earnings to grow on a tax-deferred basis, making them a tax-savvy choice compared to other options.

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General Planning

The SECURE 2.0 Act – For Workers

SECURE 2.0 is primarily meant to strengthen Americans’ ability to retire by enhancing savings options. For workers, this means automatic enrollment in retirement plans, enhanced matching, and flexibility to use savings for emergencies.

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gift giving to seniors
Elder Care Planning

Gift Ideas for Seniors 2022

Is it right to be giving more “stuff” to someone who is planning to or has already downsized? Maybe a different approach should be considered when gifting to seniors.

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General Planning

Ahhh it’s Year-End! What do I need to do before 12/31?

It’s time to make sure you’re financially accounted for before the new year rolls around. It may be maxing out HSA and retirement plans, settling debt, or holding realistic assumptions about your spending habits. Here is a full list to consider tackling.

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Is a Roth IRA Right for You?

Do Roth IRAs make sense from a tax perspective? The first question may not be whether it’s “right” for you, but whether you’re eligible to even open one at all. That’s where Roth Conversions come into play.

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Elder Care Planning

How to Choose a Nursing Home

There are big differences in the quality of nursing homes and the care they provide. 2 Sisters Senior Living Advisors help us identify and prioritize criteria for this difficult decision.

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Elder Care Planning

Tips for the Fast Growing Sandwich Generation

Adult children often find themselves unprepared in the position of primary caregiver for their parents. Finances (and even more importantly TIME allocated toward supporting family) can be very dicey for members of the Sandwich Generation.

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Direct PLUS Loans

Direct PLUS loans have become very popular in college planning. This post by Student Aid should answer all your major questions. It also goes into good detail on how to start repaying them after graduation vs at disbursement.

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Elder Care Planning

North Andover Conference on Aging

June 24 & 25. Programs are free and open to the public. To register for sessions and/or keynote speakers please call the senior center or register online

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College Planning Timeline

Although the college application process begins in earnest during your senior year, there are things you can be doing along the way to ensure you’re ready to put your best foot forward.

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General Planning

New Year, New Me – Financial Resolutions 2022

Cleaning up personal finances remains one of the top resolutions every New Year. But we all know what happens to most such self-promises, so here’s a month-by-month to-do list to cultivate better financial health.

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gift giving to seniors
Elder Care Planning

Gift Ideas for Seniors

It’s the holiday season and we’re in shopping mode. Kids and significant others may be relatively easy to navigate, but what about our parents? What

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General Planning

6 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances

It’s officially Spring, and your closet may not be the only thing that needs a good clean-out. What about your financial habits? Watch my video on how to fix up your finances.

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Elder Care Planning

Event: The Affordability of Elder Care

On April 13, Quentara will review what to consider financially when assessing care options and how to increase your chances of retaining independence. Via Zoom. RSVP here.

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Elder Care Planning

Visting Aging Family Members After COVID

65% of people with long-term care needs rely exclusively on family and friends to provide assistance. What’s your plan in the event aging loved ones didn’t fair well during COVID?

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